Quitting smoking is extremely difficult. In fact it is so tough that the majority of people fail within the first month and end up giving up. But with smoking related diseases rampant all over the world, it makes sense to try everything in your power to improve your chances of giving up cigarettes for good. So how can technology help your cause?
Whether you are an Apple or an Android fan, there are millions of apps designed to make life easier. What you may not realize, however, is that there are also lots of apps to help you quit smoking. Here are a few to get you started.
The Smokefree app is available on all platforms and contains a four-week program designed to provide lots of motivational support during the toughest part of a quit smoking campaign. Download this app on to your iPhone or Android smartphone and you can start each day with a supportive tip and practical encouragement. The app congratulates you for each smoke-free day you achieve, and tells you how much money you are saving.
The QuitIt app gives you information and motivation in equal amounts. You have to tell the app how many cigarettes you are smoking and how much they cost, but the app takes care of the math and lets you know the cost in real terms, i.e., how much tar you are ingesting and how much cash you are saving if you do manage to cut back. Keep a track on your status reports to see how well you are doing. Lastly, don’t lie about how many cigarettes you smoke – it kind of defeats the object of the exercise.
The Stop Smoking app takes a different approach. Instead of scaring you with statistics or boosting your morale with helpful motivational mantras, this app uses hypnotherapy to strengthen your quit smoking resolve and change a negative mindset. All you have to do is find a quiet place, stick some headphones on, and listen to the hypnotic suggestions in your ear. One session won’t be enough, so be prepared to devote a fair bit of time to your hypnotherapy sessions before you see good results.
The Quit Pro app identifies the unique triggers that drive your insatiable craving for cigarettes. It tracks the places where you smoke the most and lets you know if there are certain days or times when you are more likely to smoke, i.e., on a Friday night after a tough week at the office. Once you know when these times are, you can make sure that you are busy doing something else, or even invest in smokeless cigs from tastyvapor.us to use when the cravings are at their highest.
Quit smoking apps can be really helpful, and they’re also incredibly easy to access. So if you’re about to quit up the cigarettes for good, make sure you download one of the above to increase your chances of success.