If the propelling rumors are to be believed, the popular sci- fi series on television, “Defying Gravity” may come to a premature end soon. Set in the 2052, the super-entertaining space saga of the eight astronauts, is probably being sacrificed for the bizarre reality shows, the easy rating-grabbers. It was one show that really tickled that sci-fi streak within us, with which girls are not associated very often. Those proficient female astronauts are some inspiration, aren’t they? I really hope the rumors fail, because we really wanna see more of the Antares’ crew.
Let’s take a look at the dynamic characters of the vivacious ladies on the Antares, who really defy gravity with their individual incredible skills and the clear-eyed enthusiasm.
1. Paula Morales: Pretty inspirational and the self-made woman, Paula is Antares’ payload specialist. Being from financially poor background, Paula is inherited with such qualities as hard-working and optimism. She’s also one of the most presentable and gorgeous women on the Antares.
2. Nadia Schilling: Ravishing and sexy, Nadia Schilling is an ace pilot, who does everything to the best of her abilities. Tough and hard-edged Nadia doesn’t fear any last-minute challenges and faces competition with unmatchable enthusiasm.
3. Jen Crane: The vibrant, smart and super-confident biologist on Antares, whom one would never dare to cross with any lose point. Little Stubborn yet supportive and wisely opinionated on everything, Jen’s character is full of substance.
4. Eve Weller-Shaw: She’s got much more important role to play than being Ted’s wife and the mother of three. Eve is a confidant and privy to all the secrets of Antares, in nut-shell, though mysteriously, she’s central to the mission.
5. Claire Dereux: The most reliable flight surgeon who mysteriously turns into a threat to ISO brass. Claire becomes the fist key member who sniffs the hidden and suspicious inconsistencies of the crew’s mission.
6. Zoe Barnes: A proficient geologist and the secret girlfriend of Donner, Zoe Barnes is enthusiastic and humorous. She shares great bond with her fellow scientist Jen Crane, who’s also her best confidant.480964