When equipping your business with a multi-function printer (MFP) your priorities will probably be the initial outlay for purchase or rental of your equipment and how the scan, copy, print and fax functions can benefit your business.
These are undoubtedly vital things to take into consideration, but in the long-term, the operational and maintenance costs should be factored in to your decision making.
Kyocera, the Japanese manufacturer of copy equipment have a worldwide reputation for innovation and excellence and are a brand who take those operational costs seriously.
They were one of the first manufacturers to investigate the total cost of ownership (TCO) for businesses that rely on print equipment and the first to come up with innovative solutions to minimise those costs.
Unlike some print manufacturers who rely on the sale of consumables to drive profit, Kyocera recognise that the “cost of consumables, can be expected to represent several times the purchase price of the printer.”
In response, they developed the award winning Ecosys range which tackles the direct costs of operation, as well as the hidden, indirect costs such as maintenance, administration and energy consumption.
Unique technical developments like cartridge-free printing and long-life components help businesses keep their operational costs down as standard, but to complement this, Kyocera also offer their customers a fully Managed Document Solutions (MDS) service to maximise cost efficiency.
In any organisation, but particularly those where there is more than one than one piece of printing equipment and many users, the TCO is notoriously difficult to calculate and control. According to an IDC White Paper, “90% of all businesses have no idea what their document costs are.”
Failing to control this expenditure can cost businesses thousands of pounds each year.
With the MDS service provided by Kyocera, those costs are identified, reviewed, and significantly reduced.
The service has five key focus areas:
Assessment: This reviews the specific print needs of your business to ensure that expenditure, workflow and security are all working efficiently.
Customisation: This takes the findings of the assessment and uses it to make recommendations to reduce any financial and environmental costs and improve productivity. This may include altering the location of your equipment, changing lease agreements and updating software.
Implementation: This phase focusses on implementing the recommended changes. Technicians can visit your premises at your convenience to relocate or modify equipment and train your personnel how to use it with cost-efficient practices.
Maintenance: Once the changes have been implemented, you will receive ongoing support which remotely manages your stock supply and maintenance to ensure there is no operational down-time, or time and money wasted on the ordering and storage of consumables.
As part of this, performance reviews are submitted regularly to ensure that every piece of equipment in your fleet is working to its potential and the TCO is minimised.
Planning: The use of your equipment is monitored in accordance with your changing business needs to make sure that it adapts to demand and continues to achieve maximum cost efficiency.
To find out more about how the Kyocera MDS service can maximise the productivity of your business while reducing your costs, contact the UK’s authorised dealer of Kyocera equipment and services at Copy Logic.