Upgrade Your Heating With Far Infrared Technology

Blend Infrared Heaters Into Your Office DesignCompanies have an obligation to reduce their carbon footprint and with government incentives to reduce your energy bills over the long-term you should start thinking about upgrading your office heating system.

A flux of energy efficient heating systems are flooding the market at the moment and consumers have a difficult choice to make. It is not just the current expense you have to consider, but how much you will save in the future and whether the system you install is sustainable. You don’t want to have to upgrade your heating system again for five or ten years.

Therefore do your research and consider which energy efficient products on the current market do you think will last the distance. One of the front runners that most catch our attention is Far-infrared heating panels as they offer the most benefits, are cost-effective and sustainable.

What is far-infrared heating?

Far-infrared rays is the heat we get from the sun which heals cells and revitalises energy. It helps increase blood flow and has therapeutic benefits as well as qualities that improve health and wellbeing. As a heat source it is absorbed into furniture and fittings thus retains warmth longer than conventional heating systems, meaning you can turn the heating off more regularly and save energy.

And far-infrared heating panels are cost-effective in more ways than saving on utility bills. They are less expensive to purchase than the majority of other modern energy efficient heating systems, and because they are designed to blend in with your office as part of the décor, you don’t have to buy extra décor.

For example, on the surface stylish sunline stone panel heaters are made from granite or marble and can hang flush to the wall like a work of art. The panels are fastened to the wall creating an eye-catching focal point to the room, but also double as a heater which is controlled by a temperature gauge integrated into the system. You can also program times to come on and off thus saving on your heating bill.

FIR heating panels come in a variety of styles and designs so blend easily with a modern office environment. They can also replace your radiators so you can make your office space look bigger. For example, sunline crystal panels can be installed into your ceiling, generating warmth and adding a touch of sophistication to your office décor.

Sunline mirrors are ideal for bathrooms, salons and various office space and again give you a dual benefit. With the right lighting FIR mirrors create a sleek and sophisticated office environment without you having to spend extra cash on office fittings.

They are also energy efficient, which helps to keep your bills down.

Finally, FIR heating film is a low-cost solution that can be installed into existing walls and furniture. This type of heaters provides an even temperature throughout the room and comes in different sizes to fit any space.

Although far-infrared heating panels are only just beginning to catch on in the UK, their popularity has been growing in Europe for well over a decade which is why we think FIR is a reliable investment. Together with saving money and the health benefits there is no reason why far-infrared heating panels will not be one of the leading energy systems of the future.

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