Marvelou Clay Speakers – The Studio Lim’s Sound Pots – Techfemina

The artsitic clay speakers are amazingly incredible, as it’s hard to believe that something as fragile as clay can hold and sustain such firm audio system so neatly. The designers at Studio Lim have done a commendable job in creating these Sound Pots with unique volume control system. Well, there’s an ordinary on-and-off knob at the back of the speaker, but in order to control the volume, you need to roll speaker from side-to-side, which is quite interesting. I found the creation pretty enthralling, however, unfortunately there’s no word on its availability sp far. Probably, the speakers lack in sound quality yet, so the Studio Lim wants to launch it with the bang without any single glitch. I’m surely gonna look forward to the Sound Pots hitting the shelves.

Via: Technabob, Unplggd499402

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