The internet has completely changed the way we communicate and entertain ourselves in less than two decades. No longer are we heading out to the pub every night to socialize (which is a good thing), instead; we’re using social media websites to “like” and “share” information we deem to be of interest to our friends and associates. That’s not all people are getting up to online in 2014 though, as you will soon see. The post you are reading will list the 6 most popular ways people spend their time online today based on results obtained from a recent survey. Most of you won’t be too shocked when you read through the information below, but there might be one or two things in there that could take you by surprise.
1 – Facebook
While people don’t necessarily spend the majority of their time staring at their Facebook timeline, most of us do keep a window open just in case of any notifications. Interestingly, social media websites are also some of the most used when in the workplace, which means this could have a negative effect on productivity.
2 – Dating Sites
Call me old fashioned, but I find the idea of meeting up with someone I’ve never spoken to before based solely on their self-written description on a dating site to be terrifying, but it would seem a lot of people out there don’t. Last year alone, more than 10% of newlyweds claimed they’d met via the internet.
3 – Streaming TV / Film
I have to admit that visual entertainment has got a lot better since the birth of YouTube and movie streaming sites like Netflix – mainly because you can remove the adverts. There are not over 3 million households in the UK who regularly use these services on at least a weekly basis.
4 – Gambling
There were a lot of raised voices a few years ago when gambling first became prevalent in the online world, mainly because people felt there was no proof the algorithms used were fair. However, now there have been a number of regulatory boards set up with the express intention of keeping online casinos honest, there’s far less to worry about.
5 – News
We all know we’re as likely to see non partial news on the TV as we are to see Elvis rise from his grave and ascended into the sky like a modern day Jesus. This is why more and more people all over the world are taking to the internet to find out about global events.
6 – Shopping
Although I don’t like to come out and say it, I actually spent much more cash online last year than I did on the high street. Many other people are the same, due to the fact there’s such a wider selection available.
I wonder if anyone reading this disagrees with the findings of this survey? Is there anything you spend a lot of time doing online that hasn’t been mentioned in this post? Drop us a line and let us know all about it.
Thanks for reading guys!