COWON has given the much needed style to the MP3 players, which had badly lost their appeal to the high-end iPods. The company has launched its ‘iAUDIO E2′, which is sure to get you drooling with it’s ultra-sleek style. It has been designed in nicely polished body and a metal ring, so isn’t unnecessarily pompous. Besides, sophisticated aesthetics, the iAUDIO E2 will mesmerize you with its crystal clear 9 sound effects including BBE+ and BBE ViVA. It also supports WMA, OGG, FLAC and WAV files and comes with the storage capacity of 2GB ( $42 approx.) and 4GB ($53 approx.). You have got the choice of eight chic colors to select your iAUDIO E2 from. My personal favorite is the one in lilac silver, what would be your pick?

Via: Dvice