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There is an ugly battle going on between Apple and Google over the capturing of the Smartphone market in the US. Google has entered the market with its Nexus level Smartphone, which features an Android OS and is manufactured by HTC of Taiwan. According to most mobile phone reviews, the Nexus is thought to have created, or will create, a substantial dent in Apple’s hold in the market. Apple, makers of the iPhone, does not want its iPhone market to be limited by any amount at all. It has held supremacy in this majorly developing market since forever, and it does not take Google’s entry lightly. So, rather than suing Google, it has attacked its partner firm, HTC, to limit the entry of important handsets into the US. On March 2, Apple filed a lawsuit against HTC in Australia and elsewhere, claiming infringement of 20 of its patents. At first, experts thought that the lawsuit will claim infringement of Apple’s patented multi-touch technology, which is a major feature of the iPhone. But the lawsuit is now known to be based in alleged infringement of a bunch of other software. Steve Jobs came out with some wordy verbiage when the lawsuit was launched. He talked about competition being healthy, but not stealing patented technology. But, the fact of the matter is that this is just a ploy to stop Google from gaining an entry into the US market. With Apple’s other lawsuits against Nokia and Kodak, it is interesting to see by whom, and how, the battle for Smartphones is won.
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